How to Calculate Apparel Production Per Worker Per Day in Sewing Line?

Apparel Production Formula | Garment Production Calculation | Apparel Productivity Calculation of Sewing Line

Apparel Production Calculation Per Worker Per Day in Sewing Line:
In apparel manufacturing industry, garments production per labor per day or (apparel production/labor/day) can be calculated by using the following formula:

Productivity or production per worker per day,
= (Productivity per worker per hour × Total working hours)
Sewing process in apparel industry
Sewing process in apparel industry
In Mahmuda Fashion Limited, a production line is running with 50 operators for 10hours in a day and produces 1500pcs sweet shirts. Calculate productivity or production per worker per day of that sewing line.

Total no. of operator or worker= 50,
Total working time= 10hours,
Total no. of production= 1500pcs,

Productivity per worker per hour
= (Production in the line per hour/number of workers in the line) …………………. (1)

Production in the line per hour,
= (No. of apparel produced per hour / No. of working hour)
= (1500/10)
= 150pcs per hour.

From equation (1), we get,
Productivity per worker per hour
= (150/50)
=3pcs per worker per hour.
So, productivity per worker per hour is 3pcs.

And finally,
Productivity or production per worker per day,
= (Productivity per worker per hour × Total working hours)
= (3 × 10)
= 30pcs per day.

Apparel productivity or production per worker per day of Mahmuda Fashion Limited is 30pcs.

More question related this topic:
If you read this article with full concentration then you can easily answer the below question in the interview of board.

1. How to calculate apparel production/ worker/day in a sewing line?
2. Write the main formula for calculating garments production per worker per day of a sewing line.
3. How to calculate production calculation per worker per day in apparel industry?

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