How to Calculate Fabric Consumption for T-Shirt?

Fabric Consumption Calculation Method for T-Shirt

Knit Garments Consumption Calculation in Apparel Sector:

In apparel export order or business, fabrics consume the most part of the apparel costing amount. So, fabric consumption is very important factors for not only the export business but also for the apparel merchandisers. He must have to know the exact method for calculating this issue.

Knit Fabric Consumption Calculation Method for T-Shirt in Apparel Industry:
Calculate the fabric consumption for 10000 pcs “100% Cotton Single Jersey Round Neck T-Shirt” from the following measurement chart. Here, fabric G.S.M is 160
Fabric consumption method for T-shirt in apparel industry
Fig: Fabric consumption method for T-Shirt in apparel industry

Apparel Weight Calculation or Fabric Consumption Calculation Formula:
To find out the apparel weight or fabric consumption, we should apply the following two formulas. By adding equation- (A) and equation (B), we will get the required fabric consumption for round neck tshirt.
Fabric consumption calculation or apparel weight calculation,
     [{S.L + T.L + (2 × S.A) + (2× H.A)} × (1/2 Chest + S.A)] × G.S.M × 2
= …………………………………………………………………………………        ….. (A)
Round neck collar fabric consumption calculation,
   {(Collar width + S.A) × (Neck round + S.A) × G.S.M × 2}
= …………………………………………….……………………             ……….. (B)
S.A means Seam allowance,
T.L means Total length,
H.A means Hem allowance,

S.L means Sleeve length.

Apparel weight calculation for middle size i.e. L Size:

Hem allowance is 2cm,
Seam allowance is 2cm,

From the equation- (A), we get,
     {24+62+ (2×2) + (2×2)} × (52+2)] ×160×2
= ………………………………………………………..
     [{(24+62+4+4) × 54} × 160×2]
= ………………………………………….
= 162.43 gms
= 0.162 kg

From the equation- (B), we get,
   {(3+2) × (54+2) ×160×2}
= ………………………………..
= ………………………
= 8.96 gms

= 0.09 kg

Fabric consumption for one piece round neck Tshirt stands at,
= (0.162+0.09) kg

= 0.252 kg

Fabric consumption for 10000 pcs round neck T-shirt is
= Total order quantity × fabric consumption for one piece tshirt
= 10000 pcs × 0.252 kg

= 2520 kgs.

To calculate the above apparel export order, it needs 2520 kgs 100% cotton single jersey fabrics.

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