Types of Sizing Application Methods in Weaving

What is Sizing? | Types of Sizing | Properties of Size Ingredients

Definition of Sizing:
Sizing is the process of applying size ingredients in the warp yarn. There are different types of sizing processes which are deeply discussed in this article.
Sizing machine used in weaving
Sizing machine used in weaving
Types of Sizing:
Sizing process is classified into three types, which are pointed out in the below:
  1. Pure sizing,
  2. Light sizing,
  3. Medium sizing,
  4. Heavy sizing.
All the above types of sizing have explained in the following:

1. Pure Sizing:
This type of sizing process is used to produce unbleached fabric. In case of pure sizing, up to 10% size ingredients are used in warp yarn.
2. Light Sizing:
Light sizing is used for printing and dyeing. In case of light sizing, 11-15% size ingredients are used in warp yarn.
3. Medium sizing:
In case of medium sizing, 16-40% size ingredients are used in warp yarn.
4. Heavy sizing:
During heavy sizing, more than 40% size ingredients are used in warp yarn.

Properties of Size Ingredients:
Important properties of size ingredients are-

  1. Ingredients should not cause any degradation of the textile materials.
  2. It should provide excellent fabric properties.
  3. It should be coherent with the sizing machinery and its associated parts.
  4. It should not change the color of colored yarn of colored shade.
  5. It will be that which imparts the least exfoliation.
  6. It should be easily removed during wet processing process.
  7. Adhesive substance must be more adhesive.
  8. Sizing ingredients should not cause any kinds of health hazard.
  9. These ingredients should be always natural.
  10. It should not do any harm to the yarn or fibre.
  11. Sizing ingredients should be always cheap.
  12. These kinds of ingredients should be available in here and there.
  13. Sizing recipe must be that which provides lower end breakages.
  14. This kinds of ingredients must be easily washable that means it imparts easy de-sizing.
  15. These kinds of ingredients should have ability to dry instantly after completing sizing process.

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