Features and Working Principle of High Speed Warping Machine in Textile Industry

High Speed Warping Machine in Textile Weaving:
High speed warping or beam warping or direct warping is one of the types of warping. The other type of warping is Sectional warping or pattern warping. This article has presented the characteristics and working procedure of high speed warping machine.
High speed warping machine in textile weaving
High speed warping machine in textile weaving
Features of High Speed Warping in Weaving Technology:
There are different characteristics or features of high speed warping or beam warping machine, which are presented in the below:

  1. It is a simple flanged bobbin which is used as beam.
  2. It is used to produce weavers beam from a large amount of yarn
  3. Here, the weavers beam is produced after sizing.
  4. It is used for high speed production.
  5. High speed warping machine is used for producing weavers beam from the single yarn.
  6. It also used to produce common fabrics in higher number of quantities.
  7. Here, large amount of yarn required.
  8. Creel capacity is higher than 12000.
  9. Cone, cheese winding is used here.
  10. It is a cheap process.
  11. Uniform tension is required here.
  12. The using of this is very much.
Working Procedure of Beam Warping Machine in Textile Weaving Sector:
The main elements of high speed warping or beam warping machine are creel, expending comb, pressure roller and beam. Beam warping or direct warping is used mostly when different beams of same warp length have to be prepared. This type of warping is carried in two separate stages:

1. At first, the accurate warping have taken the place, the available threads (creel capacity) are wound on a large cylinder “beam” and so many beams are prepared as instructed by the result of below expression.

Number of beams,
      Total number of warp yarn
= ……………………………………………
              Creel capacity

2. In the second stage, the threads wound on the beams are simultaneously unwound to form the weavers beam. The way, in which threads are assembled during this second phase shows that the number of the beams should be preferably an integer number.

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