What is Warping? | Object and Importance of Warping in Textile

Definition of Warping | Object of Warping | Importance of Warping


What is Warping?
In textile sector, weaving is the first process of fabric manufacturing. Here, warping is defined as the parallel winding of warp yarn or warp ends from cone, cheese winding packages on to a warp beam. According to required quality of fabric, warping should be done by using required quality of yarn packages. Otherwise, fabric quality will be hampered. In weaving section of textile factory, low quality warp beam is one of the main reasons of fabric wastage.

Warping process in weaving
Warping process in weaving

Objects of Warping:
The main objects of warping have pointed out in the below:

  1. It helps to make progressive next step of fabric manufacturing.
  2. It also used to make reusable small winding packages.
  3. It is used to expand the required quality of warp yarn.
  4. It is used to expand the weave-ability of warp yarn during fabric manufacturing.
  5. It is used to make suitable warp yarn sheet for the next process named sizing.
  6. It is used to wind definite length of warp yarn in the warp beam.
  7. It helps to increase fabric manufacturing production.

Importance of Warping:
Some important key points of warping have presented in the following:

  1. It helps to buildup of parallel yarn sheet.
  2. Warping is the total combination of various small winding packages.
  3. It helps to modify various faults of warp yarn such as large knots, thin place and thick place etc.
  4. It helps to buildup of warp beam by using required quality warp yarn.
  5. It also helps to wind the predetermined length of warp yarn in the warp beam.
  6. It helps to achieve long length of warp yarn which is too much helpful for excessive fabric production.
  7. It also helps to accelerate the next process for woven fabric production.


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