Key Factors of Washing Efficiency in Textile Dyeing

Washing Efficiency in Textile:

The washing process is characterized by its washing efficiency. It is the amount of the impurities that are removed divided by the total amount that could have been removed. Parish has given the concept about the performance of any washing machine. He concluded that effective washing is based on the water flow rate and efficiency of each washing unit. This article has presented some key factors which are directly affected by washing efficiency.

Textile dyeing and washing plant
Fig: Textile dyeing and washing plant

Factors of Washing in Textile Wet Processing Sector:
There are some key factors which must be followed in dyeing washing. Those are in the below:

  1. Washing temperature,
  2. Time,
  3. Additional to the bath,
  4. Mechanical action,
  5. The proportion of liquid,
  6. Roll diameter,
  7. Simulator height,
  8. Numbers of the roll,
  9. Freshwater addition techniques,
  10. Water flow pattern,
  11. Water temperature,
  12. Counter-current flow,
  13. Fiber content,
  14. Roll configuration,
  15. Impurities & chemical concentration,
  16. Nipping roll,
  17. Water flow rate,
  18. Last process efficiency,
  19. Water bath design,
  20. Fabric speed,
  21. Fabric GSM,
  22. Fabric tension,
  23. Yarn twist,
  24. Machine design,
  25. Fabric contamination.

Among those, some key factors have explained in the following:

1. Washing Temperature:
The washing temperature should have a great impact on colors. The required amount of temperature should maintain during washing. Otherwise, it will change the desired shade which is approved by the buyer. It’s often seen that the dye is loosened from fabrics by the action of hot water.

2. Time:
Time is another important fact in washing. If you wash the dyeing materials for a long time, you will surely lose your desired shade, which is ultimately rejected by the buyer. You should wash the dyed fabrics for less amount of time without soaking so that less amount of color runs out.

3. Additions to Bath:
Bleaching and sodium carbonate should be included to intensify the washing action.

4. Mechanical Action:
Mechanical action is subjected to washing should also be included in dyeing washing test.

5. Proportion of Liquid:
The proportion of liquid to the amount of material washed is an important factor. The material would just float without the squeezing if the volume of liquid is too high, whereas in a smaller amount there would be twisting action.

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