Water Jet Loom in Weaving: Definition, Features, Advantages and Disadvantages

Definition of Water Jet Loom | Characteristics of Water Jet Loom | Advantages and Disadvantages of Water Jet Loom

What is Water Jet Loom?
Water jet loom was first developed at 1950s in Czechoslovakia. After that, it was refined by the Japanese in the1960s. It should be noted here that, water jet loom is not used as air jet loom in weaving factory. Both air jet loom and water jet loom machines can weave rapidly. It also provides for laying different colors in the weft direction. It helps to produce uniform and higher quality fabrics.
Water jet loom used in textile weaving sector
Water jet loom used in textile weaving sector
Features of Water Jet Loom:
Important features of water jet loom have discussed in the following:

  1. In case of water jet loom, weft yarn package weight varies 3.6 to 4.1 kg.
  2. Here, treated water is used by pump nozzle.
  3. It consumes less power than others.
  4. Higher number of weft insertion in water jet loom than air jet loom (normally 600ppm).
Advantages of Water Jet Loom:
The main advantages of water jet loom are in the below:

  1. Water jet loom machine consumes less power than others.
  2. This type of loom is suitable for producing synthetic fabric.
  3. Here, production rate is higher.
  4. It creates less noise than rapier loom and missile.
Disadvantages of Water Jet Loom:
A few disadvantages of water jet loom are-

  1. By using hard water, here may form rust on the yarn.
  2. It is not perfect for absorbent fibre such as cotton.
More questions related this topic:
If you read this article with full concentration then you can easily answer the below questions in the interview:

  1. What do you mean by water jet loom in weaving technology?
  2. What are the characteristics of water jet loom machine?
  3. Point out some merits of water jet loom machine in weaving sector.
  4. Mention some demerits of water jet loom machine in textile weaving factory.

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